Make strategic decisions
Send Network
Planting Projector
The Send Network Planting Projector is a tool developed to assist church planters, Sending Churches, and Send Network mobilizers in making strategic and sound support decisions. Follow the link below for more information.
How Much is Enough?
A church plant needs to be sufficiently funded so that the focus is on ministry rather than fundraising, but overfunding a plant can falter long-term growth. So, how much is enough? Quite simply, it just depends. It depends on the planting context. It depends on the plan for sustainability. It depends on ministry strategies. And much more. So where do you start?
Planting Projector Can Help!
The Planting Projector helps a planter and Sending Church think through yearly financial needs and predict budgetary and cash flow requirements. It attempts to present clear expectations that will provide a better understanding of what is needed to make the plant and the planting partnership a positive investment.
The Planting Projector will help clarify both a pre-launch budget and an expense budget, which includes personal expenses, operating and administrative expenses, ministry expenses and reserves.
Please note that the Planting Projector is a tool and should not be considered tax or legal advice.
5 Major Questions:
- What are the estimated personnel expenses?
Personnel expenses can be one of the biggest expenses and can increase by 10 percent each year. Personnel expenses include salary and benefits for anyone paid through the church budget.
- What are the estimated administrative expenses?
Administrative expenses include rent, mortgage payments, office expenses, etc. A separate spreadsheet detailing these expenses will be necessary.
- What percentage of undesignated tithes and offerings are allotted for SBC-related missions?
For the first five years, SBC plants are required to give a minimum of 6 percent to the Cooperative Program and at least 4 percent to Great Commission causes. Great Commission giving is money given to Southern Baptist-related missions causes, such as the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering®, the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering®, state missions offerings, associational offerings, networks, etc.
- How much does the plant intend to spend on other missions causes, if any?
These expenses may include associational giving, local partnerships and project expenses, global partnerships and project expenses, leader travel expenses and benevolence.
- What are the total ministry-related expenses?
Ministry-related expenses include expenses related to evangelism and outreach, discipleship and small groups, music ministry, preschool and children’s ministry, student ministry, etc.