Summer guidelines and policies to protect you and advance the mission

Missionary Covenant

GenSEND is about living on MISSION with a FAMILY of brothers and sisters serving alongside you.  For 8 weeks during your time of service, we REQUIRE students, for the good of the Mission and the family, to abide by the GenSEND Missionary Covenant.

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Honor Christ in Everything

As we go into the summer, we are asking you to commit to living above reproach and represent the kingdom of God well.

We expect you to be prayerfully intentional about time in scripture. We expect you to allow the Spirit to guide you. We expect you to exhibit the fruit of the Spirit. We expect you to flee sin and temptations, dying to yourself daily. We expect you to be committed to the host church you are partnered with and all Gospel work in the city. We  expect you to follow your weekly schedule for your host church with a good attitude and the heart of a servant.  Even as students are expected to abide by these guidelines, the most central guideline is to abide in Christ and honor Him in all things.

If a student acts in a non-Christ honoring we, they will most likely be subject to discipline (which may include being sent home).

We don’t anticipate problems, but we want to communicate this in an upfront manner.


I will not drive without being authorized.

Authorized drivers who have completed the process with NAMB will only drive to GenSEND activities.  To reiterate, no students are allowed to drive unless he/she is pre-approved.)


I will never be alone with a child and will work with other adults, honoring my host church guidelines.

Familiarize yourself with the rules of your host church relating to working with children, and always remain in compliance with those.  Remember your Ministry Safe Training, and always strive to keep a safe and nurturing environment for children.


I will be at my housing and honor my curfew of midnight.

If you have prior approval and it’s for a group activity, it may be possible to make it back a little later. For example, if you go to a late movie as a large group and return at 1 am instead of midnight. For this to happen, get prior approval before planning and purchasing admission to anything.

I will be wise about who we let into the living spaces, and NO guys in girls’ bedrooms and vice versa.

I will sleep regular hours and keep a reasonable bedtime.


I will keep open and honest communication with all of the GenSEND family.

This is SO crucial for your summer experience.  As you live in missional community with others, they can only learn from your communication with them.  In addition, you can only learn if you listen.

I will focus on family and friendship in relationships and will not date or pursue dating this summer.

I will treat all the GenSEND team and others my age as brothers and sisters. I will not pursue any dating relationships. We are a family, and I am willing not to pursue dating for 8 weeks this summer.  For this brief period, this allows you to stay focused on your relationship with God, serving Him, and treating your team members with love and respect.  Do things as a group and have a blast!

I will never be alone with someone of the opposite sex unless they are a verified church worker.

I will also never be alone with someone with whom one-on-one would be confusing.  We would recommend

Don’t go out in the city by yourself.

We will never put you in a situation in which we feel it is unsafe, but we still feel that having someone with you where you are is vital and a requirement.

I will be gracious, humble, patient, and kind if I am confronted about my behavior impacting community.

One of the most powerful expressions of maturity in Christ is how we respond to a loving rebuke.  At some point during the summer and to some extent, you will be in a position to be confronted Biblically.  Live out the Gospel in these moments and humbly listen and receive the recommendation from your leader(s).


I will not engage in high-risk behavior.

Examples: don’t jump off an ocean cliff, try to drop in on a half pipe if you’ve never skated before, or go swim in the ocean above your waist if you don’t know how to swim.

I will not use drugs and alcohol.

You are allowed to take prescription medication obviously, but no marijuana (including all products with marijuana in them) and other drugs of a similar nature.

“If in doubt, leave it out!” Kevin Ezell

I will dress with modesty at all times in public, and especially at the beach.

Talk with your church planters or ladies in your local churches to know what is appropriate in their contexts, and listen/act accordingly.


I will steward my resources by living by a planned budget and being generous.

We teach and lead students to make wise decisions regarding the use of their stipend.  Part of preparing students to be missional is to teach them to be frugal and intentional with their resources to enhance the opportunity for generosity and Kingdom impact.  We expect you to utilize a budget and manage your funds wisely within your family groups. Running out of funds will mean that you are using your own money to pay for the rest of your expenses.  As a reminder, these funds are meant to be used strategically on the mission field and not saved to use after the summer is over.  It’s even better if you can save a little extra to do something to bless your church or people in the community in which you serve toward the end of the summer.


I will monitor the tone and attitude that I use in social media, striving to be kind, encouraging, humble, grateful, respectful, and wise. 

An important part of being a part of GenSend is helping to get the word out to others about what God is doing. Social media is a tremendous tool to do this, and we ask that you use it in a wise and engaging way.  As you post about how you are serving in GenSend, be mindful to highlight what God is doing, how you are serving, truths/values that you are learning, examples of life change, and things in that nature. Don’t just focus on recreational activities or free days.  When you post pictures from events, always be mindful to ask permission before doing so. Another strategy is to take the photo or video in such a way that you can’t discern who is specifically there.

Examples of activities to highlight include, trainings on Monday nights, Sunday Service highlights, insights from training times, outreach events, needs and opportunities in the city, and more.
Here are some hash tags to use for the summer: #GenSendStory #SendRelief  #SendNetwork #PrayForSD #GenSendSD
Here are some social media handles to tag as well: @SendRelief, @SendNetwork, @NAMB_SBC,, @SendSanDiego
Local Social Media Ambassador. One for each team, and one person to oversee the whole project

I will use discernment in describing what challenges and obstacles that your city faces and the spiritual brokenness you encounter.

I will be ESPECIALLY mindful not to post pictures of children without explicit, written approval from their parents or legal guardian.